High-Level Extensible Combiner Language and Resource Database
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 CDataSpecEntryIDataSpec registry entry
 CIDataSpecSubclassed by dataspec entries to manage per-game aspects of the data pipeline
 CObjectBaseBase object to subclass for integrating with key project operations
 CPackageDepsgraphNodegraph class for gathering dependency-resolved objects for packaging
 CProjectMain project interface
 CConfigFileConfiguration file handle
 CIndexFileIndex file handle
 CPackageExceptionInternal packagePath() exception
 CGroupInterface representing a load-ordered group of runtime objects
 CObjectBaseBase object to subclass for integrating with key runtime operations
 CRuntimeHLPK Runtime data-management root
 CSGroupLoadStatusStructure indicating the load status of an object group
 CFourCCFourCC representation used within HECL's database
 CHashHash representation used for all storable and comparable objects
 CProjectPathCanonicalized project path representation using POSIX conventions
 CProjectRootPathSpecial ProjectRootPath subclass for opening HECLDatabase::IProject instances
 CTimeTimestamp representation used for comparing modtimes of cooked resources
 NstdSTL namespace
 Chash< HECL::ProjectPath >