High-Level Extensible Combiner Language and Resource Database
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CHECL::Database::Project::ConfigFileConfiguration file handle
 CHECL::Database::DataSpecEntryIDataSpec registry entry
 CHECL::Runtime::GroupInterface representing a load-ordered group of runtime objects
 CHECL::Runtime::ObjectBaseBase object to subclass for integrating with key runtime operations
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cstd::runtime_errorSTL class
 CHECL::Database::Project::PackageExceptionInternal packagePath() exception
 CHECL::FourCCFourCC representation used within HECL's database
 CHECL::HashHash representation used for all storable and comparable objects
 Cstd::hash< HECL::ProjectPath >
 CHECL::Database::IDataSpecSubclassed by dataspec entries to manage per-game aspects of the data pipeline
 CHECL::Database::Project::IndexFileIndex file handle
 CHECL::Database::ObjectBaseBase object to subclass for integrating with key project operations
 CHECL::Database::PackageDepsgraphNodegraph class for gathering dependency-resolved objects for packaging
 CHECL::Database::ProjectMain project interface
 CHECL::ProjectPathCanonicalized project path representation using POSIX conventions
 CHECL::ProjectRootPathSpecial ProjectRootPath subclass for opening HECLDatabase::IProject instances
 CHECL::Runtime::RuntimeHLPK Runtime data-management root
 CHECL::Runtime::Runtime::SGroupLoadStatusStructure indicating the load status of an object group
 CHECL::TimeTimestamp representation used for comparing modtimes of cooked resources